What should you do in an Emergency Situation?
Blinn College Emergency Management will provide direction should an emergency situation arise, to students, employees, and visitors.
During emergency situations, a notification alert can be found on strategic Blinn College web pages informing viewers of action that should be taken.
Blinn College Alert System
How Blinn Alert Works
Registration Instructions for Students
- Log into myBLINN.
- Go to the Student Dashboard Card and click the link Student Self Service 8.
- Click on the tab Personal Information.
- Click on Update Addresses and Phones.
- Choose Blinn Alert in the drop-down menu and then click submit.
- To receive a Blinn Alert as a text message, add (or change) an entry for Text Phone number. To receive a Blinn Alert as a phone call, add (or change) an entry for Cell Phone number. Click submit to save changes.
- Enter 89361 and 979-830-4654 in your cell phone contacts to identify an incoming Blinn Alert.
Registration Instructions for Faculty and Staff
- Log into myBLINN.
- Go to the Employee Applications Card, scroll to Self-Service Banner, then click that link.
- Click on Personal Information.
- Click on “Update Addresses and Phones.”
- To update your existing Blinn Alert information, click on the “Blinn Alert” entry. If there is no “Blinn Alert” entry, you can add your information by choosing “Blinn Alert” in the drop-down menu and then clicking submit.
- To receive a Blinn Alert as a text message, add (or change) an entry for the Text Phone number. To receive a Blinn Alert as a cell phone call, add (or change) an entry for Cell Phone number. To receive a Blinn Alert to your home phone, add (or change) an entry for Permanent Residence Phone number. Click submit to save changes.
- You also can receive Blinn Alerts to an e-mail address other than your Blinn work e-mail. To do that, click on “Update E-mail Addresses” from the Personal Information menu.
- Add (or change) the entry for Blinn Alert Alternate e-mail. Click submit to save.
You have now completed updating your information for the Blinn Alert System. If you have any questions e-mail them to blinn.alerts@xingtaiyichuang.com.